Rapé - Kuntanawa Veia de Pajé
Rapé - Kuntanawa Veia de Pajé

Rapé - Kuntanawa Veia de Pajé

Regular price $26.00

Kuntanawa Veia de Pajé Rapé - Experience Natural Healing Power

Embrace the strength of natural healing with our Kuntanawa Veia de Pajé Rapé. This potent blend is crafted using natural Sabia Mapacho, ashes of the Sapota tree, and a vine known as ""heart of the boa constrictor."" The vine is also referred to as ""Vein of the Pajé"" (Pajé = medicine man), and is renowned for its ability to protect against envy and spiritual persecution.

As shared by the maker, this blend must be utilized with focus and intention to attain spiritual alchemy in a positive dimension. It is recognized for its capability to ward off negative energies while attracting positive vibrations. The herbs incorporated in this Rapé are also employed in creating herbal baths and medicinal teas.

Our Kuntanawa Veia de Pajé Rapé is particularly effective for inviting favorable circumstances, love, success, and prosperity into your life. However, it is essential to concentrate the mind on positive intentions, avoiding the invocation of negative energies.

Experience the healing power of this blend and welcome positivity into your life. Order now and immerse yourself in the spiritual unity and relaxation offered by our Kuntanawa Veia de Pajé Rapé.