Hello Friends!
I am very excited to introduce a 3 week Foundational Training in Traditional Amazonian Folk Magic and Medicine, in Ampiri, A resort in the heart of the Amazon Jungle, Peru.
The training will be guided by my Maestro, Gabriel Lynch. A specialist in natural and shamanic medicine.
The retreat that I have personally taken part in on multiple occasions and will be attending will be hosted in small groups of up to 12 people.
The training is tailored specifically to your individual needs. Not all participants undergo the same teachings and activities based on the unique program prepared for you. In the following video, Maestro Gabriel talks about one of important corner stones of the shamanic Peruvian Healing, and one of the tools you will meet in this retreat - Plant Dieting,
The following videos will help you understand what's a plant diet and what are it's benefits.
Ampiri Foundation Training: What You Need To Know
- This program is suitable for beginner and experienced students that want to build a strong foundation in natural medicine.
- Prior experience in other systems of natural healing and people who have illness' they wish to heal or learn how to heal themselves are welcome.
- Private program limited to 13 or less participants. The teaching unlike most Ayahuasca centric tourist retreat centers, Ampiri takes a different approach. The group is kept small and personal.
- You will learn about more than 20 cornerstone plants commonly used in daily life in the Amazon.
- Learn and experience the ancient healing powers of various purges-vomiting and cleansing agents: Sapo or Kambo frog venom, Huancawi sacha, Tobacco.
- You will learn the methodology of preparing and administering plant medicine.
- Much more than a diet, here you will start to build a strong foundation for your study of Amazonian plant medicine.
- Flower and herbal baths, baños de floreciemiento. How to prepare and bathe with plant and flower baths.
- Types of plants for healing, crossed conditions, protection, learning, and love all covered.
- Preparing plant tinctures or preparados with barks, roots, seeds, honey, wild pollen.
- Fundamentals of Ayahuasca.
- Preparing Ayahuasca - Help cook the Ayahuasca you will drink.
- What is Ayahuasca, really? Learn to dominate The Ayahuasca mareacion (trip.)
- Cornerstone Amazonian remedies for specific conditions.
- Understanding natural medicine, plant spirits, elementals, and nature spirits.
- The role of diet and fasting. How to start and finish a diet properly.
- Icaros, songs to call the plants and other nature spirits, allies, and ancestors.
- Proper integration and much more.
- Ampiri is located in the jungle with breathtaking views and contains lots of exotic wildlife including birds, monkeys among other friendly animals in their natural habitat.
- The resort contains incredible natural hot springs that are visited daily to aid in aches, pains and reducing anxiety.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Nowadays, Ayahuasca tourism is big business. Cookie cutter retreat centers open and close one day to the next. Like big box retailers, they play the numbers game, sacrificing personalized service and teaching for fast profits. Frankly, it can be quite difficult to find the real teachings with the fame and commercialization Ayahuasca has received. The most important part of any study or practice is the foundation. Without a solid base, a building cannot ever be constructed correctly.
Over the years, many people come to Peru and waste years searching for the medicine and good teachings. They come with newbie enthusiasm and romantic illusions, only to encounter bad teachers and no progress. Seeing this, it made us sad and encouraged us to offer this program. We are very proud to offer this knowledge and help keep this tradition alive.
At Ampiri, Gabriel’s main focus is to give students a proper understanding of the fundamentals of natural medicine and naturalism. Students at Ampiri develop a strong foundation like the root or trunk of a big tree, planted firmly in the earth. Gabriel provides a specific teaching the student can take with them and build upon the rest of their life. The teaching at Ampiri is not limited in scope to just Amazonian plants. The knowledge is multi platform and can be applied anywhere in the world. In fact, Gabriel encourages students to explore nature and identify medicinal plants of their home countries. He gives you the tools to become a vegetalista, or naturalist anywhere. Transmit a broad body of knowledge and wisdom, the methodology, and proper technique in order to ensure the success of the student.
Gabriel Is the lead teacher at Ampiri. A naturalist with over 20 years of dedicated study in plant medicine, fasting and diet, Gabriel brings a wealth of knowledge and also the clever ability to convey this knowledge to the western mind. Early in his study, Gabriel was a complete raw foodist for a number of years and can teach many things about different types of healing diets and other plant based systems including: Western herbalism, Ayurveda, and Chinese herbs. Having lived in China and Asia for a number of years, Gabriel also teaches traditional Taoist Nei Gong meditation, Kung Fu: Southern Dragon and Bak Mei fighting systems as well as Taoist medicine.
In the Amazon, Gabriel spent many years living in native villages and jungle doing long isolation diets. As a result, Gabriel learned to sing powerful icaros in native dialects such as Quechua and Shipibo. Gabriel is a very serious teacher, and expects commitment and results from his students. Some of his specialties include strange undiagnosable illnesses, curse removal, and entity, spirit/demon removal.
Reyna brings the powerful, nurturing, and loving grandmother energy to Ampiri. One of the principal founders of Santuario many years ago, Reyna has found her way back to aguas calientes, this time in all of her form. Reyna specializes in Woman’s issues, letting go of pain and traumas, and is always enthusiastic about teaching the medicine and the proper way to do diet. In ceremony, Reyna is unbelievable, sometimes singing the whole night. Reyna spent many years suffering doing diet. Now, she brings her knowledge to share and help heal sick people.
There are 2 dates for the retreat:
- September 8-28 (Full), and October 20 - November 9 (Few spots left).
- The price for a 21 days program is 2000 euros. (you can stay a few days after the retreat to chill and integrate for free)
- If you wish to join us, please leave us your contact information in this link and we will get back to you ASAP: https://goo.gl/forms/aifXvaG6dFO988mg2
- You are also welcome to contact me with any question at: Arye@natural-medicine.co
I'm happy to share with you A lecture given by Gabriel on April 2018.
With love,
Arye Shalvi
Natural-medicine.co and Ampiri Team
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