Yawanawa Tsunu Rapé: A Healing Blend
Discover the power of our top-selling Tsunu Yawanawa Rapé, a unique blend crafted from high-quality, artisanal corda tobacco and the ashes of the revered Tsunu tree bark. This sacred tree, distinct from Pau Pereira, is particularly significant to the Yawanawa tribe and produces a beautiful cream-colored ash.
Energetic Cleansing with Yawanawa Tsunu Rapé
This Hapè blend is believed to possess healing properties and promote spiritual strength. It aids in energetic cleansing and helps to combat physical fatigue. The Yawanawa people find it particularly useful for gaining strength during fieldwork or hunting expeditions. The warmth generated by Tsunu Rapé makes it a popular choice for those seeking a comforting experience before bathing in the river.
About Rasu Yawanawa
Rasu Yawanawa, a talented and highly respected member of the Yawanawa royal family's younger generation, creates our Tsunu blend. At just 16 years old, Rasu underwent a one-year initiation diet under his great-grandfather's guidance. He spent months in the forest with his guide, immersing himself in their most sacred plants. Rasu is also a skilled musician who plays various instruments and has even collaborated with legendary Brazilian DJ Alok.